Common Reasons SSDI Claims Are Rejected

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When making decisions about benefits for individuals claiming disabilities, there are a number of reasons why a case might be rejected. Whether you are preparing to submit a claim or have already been turned down, it's good to learn more about the logic the government uses. Let's explore three of the most common reasons for rejections.

Medical Evidence

When presenting a claim, you need to also present medical evidence that backs up the assertion that you are disabled. This includes assembling documentation from your doctor that you've been visiting them and that you have an issue. If you've required doctor's notes in order to be excused from days of work, copies of these should also be included in your filing. Tracking down and preparing all this information can be a challenge, and it's one of the many reasons people often choose to hire a Social Security Disability lawyer.

Not Enough Credits

The government uses a system where credits are assigned for the amount of work you've been paid for. These amounts apply to both employment and self-employment income, and one credit is assigned for every $1,360 you make per year. Up to four credits can be earned in a single year.

The government expects people to have earned at least 40 credits before they'll be considered eligible for benefits. Also, they generally prefer that at least 20 of those credits have been earned in the last 10 years. Younger people and minors may be subject to less strict guidelines.

Failures of Treatment or Cooperation

The Social Security Administration expects people to follow the prescribed treatment plans their doctors provide. If the examiner assigned to your case determines that you have ignored medical advice, your claim may be denied. Appealing on the basis that medical advice was faulty or couldn't be followed is one of the more challenging choices, and it represents an instance where you may really want to get in touch with a Social Security Disability attorney.

Cooperation refers to dealing with the matter as the SSA seeks information and help from you in handling the case. If you regularly fail to respond to phone calls or to send in paperwork, for example, the examiner may elect to reject the claim and close your case.

SSA data suggest the majority of cases do not result in initial awards. Be persistent, seek counsel, and make sure your documentation is tight.
