Get A Professional On Your Case: 4 Benefits From Using A Social Security Attorney

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If you find yourself with a medical condition that makes it impossible to work at your job, you may be in the midst of the Social Security claims process. While it's fortunate that this system exists to help workers with monthly payments, the claims process itself can be daunting, complicated and lengthy. It's easy to make mistakes, miss deadlines and file incomplete applications, all of which will only add to your frustrations. Read on to learn more about how using a Social Security attorney could help improve your chances for a successful claim.

1. Deadlines won't be missed. If you have already been denied your benefits at least once, you only have 60 days to file an appeal. In most cases, missing this important deadline means starting the entire lengthy application process from the beginning. The only exception is showing proof that you where unable to file the appeal in a timely manner due to being hospitalized or severely ill.

2. Medical records will be in order. Your medical condition allegation is the cornerstone of your claim, and proving this condition is the first order of business. The Social Security Administration won't even consider claims that fail to include medical proof of your condition. The better your records are, the quicker you will get your approval. Incomplete medical evidence can cause delays and eventual denials of benefits. Attorneys who work with getting Social Security claims approved understand how to get a complete set of records in a timely manner.

3. You will have a successful appeal hearing. A local attorney experienced in how these hearings are run and with personal knowledge of the judges presiding over the hearings can offer unsurpassed support to get you through your hearing successfully. It's vital that you be able to convey how your medical condition has affected your ability to do your job in a concise and effective manner, so your your legal team will practice with you and help ensure that you are able to effectively communicate your need and eligibility for benefits.

4. Represent you at the hearing. It may sound too simple, but the mere presence of a legal professional to represent you at your hearing can increase your chances of having your appeal approved. Claimants with lawyers present got their claims approved at a rate of 63.6%, while those without a lawyer present were approved at a rate of only 40.1%.

In additional to the above benefits of having legal representation, the assistance, advice and support gained by putting your case in the hands of a Social Security attorney is invaluable. Don't go through this alone; contact a law firm like Duncan Disability Law SC.
